Browse Book Titles (113 total)
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Monseigneur Dominique Racine, premier évêque de Chicoutimi : notice biographique, éloges funèbres dans la chaire et dans la presse, et compte rendu des funérailles
View the items in Monseigneur Dominique Racine, premier évêque de Chicoutimi : notice biographique, éloges funèbres dans la chaire et dans la presse, et compte rendu des funérailles -
Panégyrique du Révérend Édouard Crevier, V.G. : prononcé à la distribution des prix au Petit séminaire de Sainte-Marie de Monnoir, le 30 juin 1881
View the items in Panégyrique du Révérend Édouard Crevier, V.G. : prononcé à la distribution des prix au Petit séminaire de Sainte-Marie de Monnoir, le 30 juin 1881 -
"Death abolished" : a sermon preached by Rev. Hugh Johnston, M.A.B.D. in St. James Street Methodist Church, Montreal, Sunday morning, October 9th, 1881, on the occasion of the death of Mrs. James Ferrier
View the items in "Death abolished" : a sermon preached by Rev. Hugh Johnston, M.A.B.D. in St. James Street Methodist Church, Montreal, Sunday morning, October 9th, 1881, on the occasion of the death of Mrs. James Ferrier -
A la mémoire de l'honorable Charles Séraphin Rodier : avocat, ex-maire de Montréal, membre du Conseil législatif de la Province de Québec, lieut.-colonel du 7me bataillon, fondateur de l'Asile de Béthléem, etc., etc., etc.
View the items in A la mémoire de l'honorable Charles Séraphin Rodier : avocat, ex-maire de Montréal, membre du Conseil législatif de la Province de Québec, lieut.-colonel du 7me bataillon, fondateur de l'Asile de Béthléem, etc., etc., etc. -
On Champlain's astrolabe, lost on the 7th June, 1613, and found in August, 1867, considered in solution of an obscurity in his journal of his first voyage up the Ottawa ; and the great antiquity of astrolabes, and origin of their graduation
View the items in On Champlain's astrolabe, lost on the 7th June, 1613, and found in August, 1867, considered in solution of an obscurity in his journal of his first voyage up the Ottawa ; and the great antiquity of astrolabes, and origin of their graduation -
Portraits of British Americans, by W. Notman, Photographer to Her Majesty, with Biographical Sketches by Fennings Taylor, Deputy Clerk, and Clerk Assistant of the Legislative Council of Canada. Vol, I-3
Originally issued as a serial in 18 parts, the portraits are usually found assembled into 3 volumes but their composition may vary.